Adding Another Chord: Jesus Loves Me
Another Chord: F Major
Now, let's add a few more songs to practice with. In order to do this, we must first begin to work with another chord, the F Major Chord. Fig. 10 and Fig. 11 show the F Major octave and chord, respectively. An important side point: It is impossible for me to describe where on the piano to play the O/C for each chord, so you need to figure that out on your own. Here is a good rule of thumb: If the chord sounds "muddy", then you are playing it too low. If the chord interferes with your right hand, then you are probably playing it too high. Just experiment to see which placement works best for you. |
Jesus Loves Me
Below is the children's song Jesus Loves Me. Try playing this song with the O/C before listening to the midi sample.

Remember to use the sustain petal to make your playing sound more fluid. In some places in the song, the chords change rather quickly, so watch out for those places and do not let the tempo slow down. Below is the same song written out with the O/C as it would be played. Please do not try to play from this version of the song; it is for reference only.