The Henry Slaughter Gospel Piano Course


If you've been playing gospel music for any length of time, then you are bound to know of Henry Slaughter. His course books on Gospel Piano and Gospel Organ playing have been around for years, and are still on the shelves of many music stores.

His Gospel Piano course consists of six books.  He uses many examples directly from a hymnal, so you see what you would see if you were reading from a hymnal in church.

The main drawback is that I'm from a younger generation, and don't recognize some of the songs he uses as examples, which are songs that he himself has written and recorded.  If you are a teacher, then this is a good course to teach from.  If you are learning on your own, you can also use this course, but I suggest that you also get the demonstration tapes.

There are also VHS tapes available which accompanies each book, but that gets a bit too expensive for me. That being said, I have not seen them, so they may or may not justify the cost.

40 - 48 Pages each. By Henry Slaughter. Copyright 1969. Harvest Time Publishers. Nashville, TN.