How To Play Hymns And Gospel Songs In Evangelistic Style

How To Play Hymns And Gospel Songs In Evangelistic Style by Phyllis Gunther and David Carr Glover is literally a re-packaging of the exact same information from the Advanced Hymn Improvisation course books level 7 and 8, only into a stand-alone book format.
The only major difference is that this book has A LOT more examples (30+ pages worth) than in the other two combined. It costs the same as the two method books, so you get more content for your money. The only drawback is that, as a thicker book, it is harder to keep open when playing at the piano. Still, I still recommend this one above the individual lesson books.
96 pages. By Phyllis Gunther and David Carr Glover. Warner Bros. Publications. ISBN 0-7692-3688-X.