Adding Runs To Music

Trinity House Publishing has put out several great books. One is The Piano Hymnal and another is the book I have listed, Adding Runs To Music, both of which I own. The first is an arrangement book (good selection), but the latter is a reference book for runs. It shows you how to combine (1.) how far you need to go on the keyboard with (2.) how many beats you have to get there, and come up with a run that fits the music perfectly. While this method of producing runs is discussed in the lessons found on the Evangelisic Piano Website, the book contains a lot of examples, whereas this Website only demonstrates a few.
When I bought it, the book cost $5.00, plus s&h. Unfortunately, you can't order directly from the web site (last time I checked), but you can mail in the payment. That is what I did, and I received my order promptly without any problems. This is a great little reference book (especially for the price), so buy it soon!
52 pages. By David and Anita Smither.